Game Developer

Thousands of 2d game assets, one style

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Browse Suggestions

Displaying 51 - 100 of 691 total asset requests

ladder and broken ladder

walking footprints

2d wind effect

corruption force

musical notes animation

Mud, ice, poison

add ons to be put on top of platforms to create effects like slowness or quicken


a grappler for 2d side on games for easier movement

Old woman character set

To compliment the old man character set. Perhaps arm them with a knitting needle? Otherwise, old women run and sliding and so forth to match the old men.

top view frog jumping

I'm looking for a top view frog jumping animation and an idle animation

Animated vegetable bosses

Animated vegetable bosses. Pumpkin, cabbage and corn with spikes on gloves and legs, with scars and tattoos.

Make a pack for animated vegetable characters

Make a pack for your 13 animated vegetable characters

Animation porte de hangar militaire

pack d'animations de porte de hangar militaire ( Pack ouverture de porte et fermeture de porte) plus, backgrounds et fonds sur le thème de l'aviation .

Clapping hands...

Done in the same style as the pointing / clicking finger, a clapping animation... like this , but better.. robertized!

Top Down Dungeon Pack

I'd love to see a top down dungeon pack with stone, dirt tiles, pits, spikes, pillars, furniture such as pots, book shelves, tables, chairs, bridges / walk ways

2D Fountain

A fountain such as you might see in a city or a park or a castle with multiple tiers and flowing water.

Museum Interior

Items to create the inside of a museum. There are many items like the "T-Rex Skeleton" or the "Lost treasure items" that could be shown of in a museum, but there are missing platforms, pillars and vitrines/showcase to show them of. I think thouse items could be used in many games to feature collacables in the game or something simular. Some pictures of the items I mean (not sure if the translations was correct):

Spell effect pack

Such as Water, Wind and Lava

Male/Female Human Boss Characters

Same sort of proportions as the say the Mummy boss and such, just with more "Human" like features. For a more "muscle bound", "meathead" type character

Spacemen (and spacewoman) without helmets

The spacemen asset is really nice, but I would like to see some of those characters without a helmet (or a helmet that shows their face) in order to have more variation.

Border Collie dog

puppy and senior versions including walk - run - jump - sit - bite - die - idle

Anti-stress fidgets

Like Pop-it, switch on/off for a lamp, pen clicker, top-down buttons, spinner. Thanks :)

Water Tap

Just missed out on the Feebie Friday request but this is a simple non-animated icon of a tap

Bamboo Forest Parallax Background

I'm trying to write my first game and don't have a decent enough background. Looking for 4 to 6 layer background for a parallax effect. Regards.


Looking for an eagle that is like the ducks, raven, bear moose. I am trying to put together an example video game using ideas from the pacific north west. Modeling my hero after my father in law. Alaska has lots of eagles. Love you style thank you.

Yellow British Mercedes (Box) Ambulance and Yellow British Rapid Response Vehicle (car)

Like the top ambulance on Wikipedia page: Rapid response vehicle (RRV): Both Top down and side views requested please (Note - I'd guess that most ambulance assets out there are all American and my gaming audience is mostly my colleagues)

Beat'em all pack

Hero, ennemis, bosses, item, paralax background etc...

More Bosses

A pack of different bosses, there is only few bosses actually.

Tower Defense Assets

Arrow Tower, Canon Tower, Lightning Tower etc.

Carnival 2D Assets

Carnival or fairgrounds similar style to the 2d mega city packs. There could be different tents or stands, preferable in pieces that could be assembled to make different styles and sizes. Some common typical carnival games or assets, like toss a golf ball in a cup, or stacked cups, dart games etc.. Ferris wheel and merry go round would also be cool. Maybe some type of generic food cart that could be repurposed to different kinds.

Top down mantis and beetles

You've made many top down bugs and insects already, I appreciate it. But, I think it should be added more to realize a more complete world. Especially, mantis and stag beetle are wonderful insects that cannot be left out when making insect games. Anyway, thank you for your great work!

2D Side View Grey Alien

Hangard militaire

Hangard militaire de style aviation avec ouverture et fermeture de la porte du Hangard.

Mystery Boxes


Waste and trash which needs to be sorted into different types of Recycling bins.

Characters from behind

Character(s) that are viewed from behind that can bow and bend to the left/right so that you can make games like Wii Sports Soccer Heading (, snowball fight (, etcl.


Catapult with an arm

Beaver Character

Animated beaver character that can walk, run, climb, chew wood, tail slap attack, throw , die. Similar to your vegetable characters in movement.

Missle launcher

Missle launcher to fire these missles

Wood GUI

Like the other bit GUI sets. With resizable Buttons, resizeable panels and a slider bar. This could be a match for many sets, like the Mine Set, or all of the Forest Sets. Even the upcoming Pirateship set. And many more.


I see there is a complete set of vegetables assets of fruits apple, banana, watermelon, grapes, orange, pear, papaya, mango :v

Underground, top-down tile set for ant-hill or caves

Basically just cave tiles, but with dirt/sand walls instead of the traditional rock walls. They would go great with your existing ants and other insects. It's kind of hard to find game art like this, but here's an interesting board game tile with a similar vibe. You could just make the wall borders less rocky.

Soaked animation

A dripping water animation from rain or getting outnof water. This could be used for you characters such as the mushroom guy for example.

The Space Opera Assets Pack

The Ultimate 267 Cooking Ingredients & Prepared Dishes Food Icons Pack pack

Asian Cottage and Hut

Asian house for Ninja, asian warrior

Sports Equipment Pack

Hockey Sticks, Bats, Balls etc.